Supporting Green Innovations through Challenge Funds
In 2020-2021, RIL further supported investment in this field by facilitating the 3rd call of the Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund – allowing an investment of EUR 2 million in locally-led innovative proposals. See more about this locally-driven approach to funding innovation and the great solutions that emerged here.
Training to support Innovators on their journey
A tailored curriculum has been developed based on an analysis of capacity gaps and existing other training programmes in Uganda. It has been delivered in partnership with Save the Children, United Social Ventures and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. - Learn more about innovator trainings here
RIL Uganda runs a Learning Hub for the refugee response actors and has supported them to learn and uptake best practices around: the Refugee Engagement Forum- Learn more about U-Learn here
Local Innovations for Nutrition Solutions (LINS)
With the LINS project, RIL Uganda identified alternative solutions to the traditional distribution of free and imported nutritious foods (corn-soya blend/porridge) through a participative and competitive process.
Learn more about LINS here
Meet the winners of the Nutrition Innovation Challenge Fund
In 2021, LINS issued a call for nutrition innovations/solutions that are locally rooted, market-driven, sustainable, with satisfactory proof of concept, and less dependent on humanitarian aid flows. The call sought to support quality solutions to at least one of the major challenges of malnutrition
Creative Capacity Building in Uganda: Scaling the Impact of Refugee-Led Design Solutions
Participation in the MIT D-Lab’s Co-Creation Summit in Arua, Uganda, which promoted locally designed solutions to energy and livelihoods challenges in refugee settlements.
RIL supports Open Source for Equality Initiative in Uganda
The Open Source for Equality initiative aims to promote the development and use of open source that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on health, education and equality. In this video we get to hear the experience of how five organizations are using open source for their benefit.
In the news: Uganda TV covers LINS projecg
RIL Uganda organized a half day kick-off workshop and launch on 21st July 2022 to officially introduce the Local Innovation for Nutrition Solutions project and selected innovators to key stakeholders and partners. The event was reported on by the national TV network UBC.
SafeBangle Technologies behind the scenes with Response Innovation Lab
Read about the experience from innovator Saul Kabali with Response Innovation Lab developing SafeBangle Technologies for the past two years, a wearable technology for immediate reporting of violence attempts against women and girls.
Kampala Impact Day 2021
Learn about the Uganda RIL’s Kampala Impact Day events, and the three innovators nominated by the team.
How the C-19 prize winners are Navigating the Pandemic times
Check-in on the innovators who won the cash award from the Uganda Response Innovation Lab in 2020. The innovators submitted their innovations in prevention and response, continuous learning, livelihoods, and refugee-led innovations that were already proving effectivness in the fight against COVID -19.
In honor of World Refugee Day, check out these innovations...
Our labs are supporting several innovations that directly benefit refugee populations, learn more about these innovators and their pursuit to support their communities and others.
Collaboration for localized innovative response to Covid-19 needs
Field Ready and Response Innovation Lab both aim to inspire and guide disaster response practitioners to develop and test new ideas and implement proven innovations. With the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, RIL and Field Ready organized a digital convene event on the topic of locally manufacturing Covid-19 preventive materials, including personal protective equipment, and with an emphasis on the use of 3-D printers in May 2021.
>>> Learn about the outcomes of this convener.
2020 Reflections | Plans [VIDEO]
In December 2020, RIL held a week-long virtual global retreat to share reflections from the past year on each of the humanitarian responses and challenges, success, and plans for the upcoming year. Each session is about 30 minutes long.
RIL Maps Innovation Hubs in Uganda
Innovation hubs are connecting young entrepreneurs, programmers, designers, and investors and facilitating growth and collaborations across the innovation ecosystem. The Response Innovation Lab has set up an interactive platform to empower innovators with innovation support which highlights innovation hubs, accelerators, and co-working space’s location and hours.
Devex Op-Ed: 3 lessons learned on integrating innovation into the Uganda refugee response
The Uganda RIL published an Op-Ed in Devex regarding lessons learned integrating innovation into the Uganda refugee response. Localizing innovation takes a central theme in the article. Please take a read!
Launching the Uganda Innovation Ecoystem Map
The Uganda Response Innovation Lab ( Uganda RIL) has developed a dynamic map of the local ecosystem to better identify actors, innovators, in the response. The map is comprehensive of the humanitarian and social impact innovation stakeholders and supporters in the innovation ecosystem.
Uganda RIL sponsors Kampala Innovation Week
The Uganda RIL is one of several sponsors of the Kampala Innovation Week. Learn more about this unique event, and RIL’s role in the local ecosystem.
RIL's work in Iraq and Uganda highlight in DIIS's COVID-19 Report
The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) produced a report in November 2020 on the future of technology and innovation from the COVID-19 response. The Response Innovation Lab’s both in Iraq and Uganda were highlighted.