Launching the Uganda Innovation Ecoystem Map

Understanding the local ecosystem to map change and impact

A core part of the Response Innovation Lab’s core activities is supporting the process and development of mapping the actors, innovation, and challenges of the humanitarian response. The objective of these activities is to help partners navigate the humanitarian innovation ecosystem and find potential partners. This process and the outputs are key in understanding both local and global actors, as well as the challenges faced by all in delivering the best care, service, and products to vulnerable populations at a time when they need it most.

The Uganda Response Innovation Lab ( Uganda RIL) has developed a dynamic map of the local ecosystem to better identify actors, innovators, in the response. The map is comprehensive of the humanitarian and social impact innovation stakeholders and supporters in the innovation ecosystem. While most organizations included have a physical presence in Uganda, some are based externally but have established connections to this ecosystem. All information included is pulled from public sources, primarily the organization’s own websites or Facebook pages. Tags were applied based on global RIL methodology and on information provided publicly by the organizations.

The dynamic Uganda ecosystem map is updated regularly. Click to see it live.

The dynamic Uganda ecosystem map is updated regularly. Click to see it live.

Analysis of Map

In November when the map was launched the Uganda RIL team did a quick analysis of the ecosystem to highlight the current state. Note - the mapping is live and dyanmic and the following anlaysis is only reppresentative of data collected by November 2020.

Snapshot as of November 2020

Snapshot as of November 2020

Snapshot as of November 2020

Snapshot as of November 2020

Snapshot as of November 2020

Snapshot as of November 2020

Snapshot as of November 2020

Snapshot as of November 2020

How to Utilize the Ecosystem Map

If you would like to detailed instructions on how to utilize this map, please watch the following video. Charlene Cabot, the Uganda RIL Lab Lead, walks you through the tool step-by-step.

Add your Organization or Innovation

Please note the purpose of this tool is not to create an inventory of all the individual innovations existing in Uganda but rather an overview of humanitarian innovation stakeholders.

  • To highlight an innovation that you are implementing, please fill out the following entry through this form: click here

  • If your organization is not yet represented, please file a request through this form: click here

Instructional video on utilizing the Uganda Ecosystem Map - click to view.

Instructional video on utilizing the Uganda Ecosystem Map - click to view.

In Need of an Ecosystem Map?

If you would like to learn more about the map or have RIL do a mapping exercise in your context please contact us to discuss costing (click to email.)


Case Study: Innovation M&E Toolkit on the OGOW EMR Health Pilot in Somalia


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