Uganda Rhian Mikisa Uganda Rhian Mikisa

How the C-19 prize winners are Navigating the Pandemic times

Check-in on the innovators who won the cash award from the Uganda Response Innovation Lab in 2020. The innovators submitted their innovations in prevention and response, continuous learning, livelihoods, and refugee-led innovations that were already proving effectivness in the fight against COVID -19.

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Uganda -- Uganda --

Collaboration for localized innovative response to Covid-19 needs

Field Ready and Response Innovation Lab both aim to inspire and guide disaster response practitioners to develop and test new ideas and implement proven innovations. With the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, RIL and Field Ready organized a digital convene event on the topic of locally manufacturing Covid-19 preventive materials, including personal protective equipment, and with an emphasis on the use of 3-D printers in May 2021.

>>> Learn about the outcomes of this convener.

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Uganda -- Uganda --

COVID-19 Response: A Uganda Innovator solves the soapy challenge at community water points

Amidst the challenges brought by the spread of COVID-19, one in particular has been the increased need for handwashing. The WASH sector has been working on access to hygiene for decades with some level of success; however six months into the global Coronavirus pandemic, nearly two billion people across the globe lack the soap and water needed to properly wash their hands. In Uganda, our partners at Engineers Without Borders – USA (EWB-USA) brought a challenge to the Response Innovation Lab:An effective soap dispensing solution was needed to accompany the handwashing stations in public spaces such as the busy Ntinda market.

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Uganda Charlene Cabot Uganda Charlene Cabot

Local Challenge for Uganda-based Innovations

In partnership with the Dutch Relief Alliance, the Uganda RIL is excited to announce the DRA Innovation Fund’s third call for proposals. The DIF 3 Local Call aims to promote humanitarian innovation as locally as possible. The focus of this call will be on local humanitarian innovations in Uganda. The deadline to apply is 25 Oct 2020.

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Uganda ADMIN Uganda ADMIN

For refugees in Uganda, building credit history is a challenge – not anymore!

A challenge faced by many refugees and rural community members in Uganda is the safety of saving money and the opportunities to access loans. Refugees frequently do not have access to banks, nor are they able to open bank accounts due to a lack of credit history or collateral. Not having a secure place to store money, makes saving challenging and risky. Akaboxi is tackling these problems straight on and transforming opportunities for financial service providers across Uganda.

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Uganda ADMIN Uganda ADMIN

World Refugee Day: How innovation is solving access to financial services for refugees in Uganda

A challenge faced by many refugees and rural community members in Uganda is the safety of saving money and the opportunities to access loans. Refugees frequently do not have access to banks, nor are they able to open bank accounts due to a lack of credit history or collateral. Not having a secure place to store money, makes saving challenging and risky. Akaboxi is tackling these problems straight on and transforming opportunities for financial service providers across Uganda.

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Uganda ADMIN Uganda ADMIN

Mapping EdTech in Uganda

Response Innovation Lab has collaborated with Briter Bridges to visualize the state of educational technology across some of the major African technology ecosystems.

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