Spotlight on our Innovation in Residence: SafeBangle

The SafeBangle Team is developing a wearable safety bracelet that can be used by the would-be victims of assaults, SGBV, and other forms of injustice to call their trusted relatives and loved ones for help.RIL has been offering mentorship and capacity strengthening, helping the team access new partnerships and resources. Read about their experience here

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Supporting Green Innovations through Challenge Funds

In 2020-2021, RIL further supported investment in this field by facilitating the 3rd call of the Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund – allowing an investment of EUR 2 million in locally-led innovative proposals. See more about this locally-driven approach to funding innovation and the great solutions that emerged here.

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Reflective Studies on Innovative Business Opportunities in Iraq – in the fields of Recycling and Renewable Energy.

The Iraq Response Innovation Lab (IRIL) has completed a study to explore the potential of renewable energy sources in Iraq in the light of their experience with using solar energy for the incubated agribusiness projects in 2021 and the challenges that accompanied that they encountered.
Learn more about the Two Studies here:

Renewable *Energy Reflective Study

*Recycling Reflective Study

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Incubation Updates- Upcoming startups -– June 2022

The latest startup that has reached the last stages of the Incubation Process is Al Bustan Mobile Application. Al Bustan Application is a mobile application that links farmers, service providers and consultants in a streamlined way. It is being developed to help farmers to move towards improving their production and increasing productivity by facilitating market linkages. The application is under development specifically for the Mosul market, and expected to launch as a pilot within the month of July 2022.

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Work for all

Work for all is an initiative that was launched by the Iraq Response Innovation Lab to support employment in Iraq. As Iraq struggles to recover from the war with ISIS, economic hardship and the impact of COVID-19, people from diverse backgrounds and educational levels have had difficulty accessing employment. [Unemployment rates in Iraq].
Learn more about Work for All

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Go Green Promoting Innovative Social Impact in Iraq

Social enterprises are sustainable businesses with primarily social or environmental objectives. While the social enterprise adapts the ways that businesses function, their primary objective is to maximize social benefit. Social enterprises use business tactics and modalities to fix, or minimize the negative effect of, a certain issue in society. In Iraq, this concept is new, however, SIDA, alongside Oxfam’s partners and the Iraq Response Innovation Lab, launched an incubator open to local NGOs (Nongovernmental Organizations) willing to create sustainable social enterprises.Learn more about Go Green here


Watch a video from the incubator here

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Meet the winners of the Nutrition Innovation Challenge Fund

In 2021, LINS issued a call for nutrition innovations/solutions that are locally rooted, market-driven, sustainable, with satisfactory proof of concept, and less dependent on humanitarian aid flows. The call sought to support quality solutions to at least one of the major challenges of malnutrition

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RIL supports Open Source for Equality Initiative in Uganda

The Open Source for Equality initiative aims to promote the development and use of open source that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on health, education and equality. In this video we get to hear the experience of how five organizations are using open source for their benefit.

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In the news: Uganda TV covers LINS projecg

RIL Uganda organized a half day kick-off workshop and launch on 21st July 2022 to officially introduce the Local Innovation for Nutrition Solutions project and selected innovators to key stakeholders and partners. The event was reported on by the national TV network UBC.

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How the C-19 prize winners are Navigating the Pandemic times

Check-in on the innovators who won the cash award from the Uganda Response Innovation Lab in 2020. The innovators submitted their innovations in prevention and response, continuous learning, livelihoods, and refugee-led innovations that were already proving effectivness in the fight against COVID -19.

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Uganda -- Uganda --

Collaboration for localized innovative response to Covid-19 needs

Field Ready and Response Innovation Lab both aim to inspire and guide disaster response practitioners to develop and test new ideas and implement proven innovations. With the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, RIL and Field Ready organized a digital convene event on the topic of locally manufacturing Covid-19 preventive materials, including personal protective equipment, and with an emphasis on the use of 3-D printers in May 2021.

>>> Learn about the outcomes of this convener.

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