Local Challenge for Uganda-based Innovations

The Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund (DIF) proudly presents its third Call for Proposals. The DIF 3 Local Call aims to promote humanitarian innovation as locally as possible. 

Based on lessons learned from past Calls for proposals, for this Call the focus will be on local humanitarian innovations in Uganda. The total amount available for this call is 2 million Euros total for implementation of innovative projects in the refugee response in 2021.

The Dutch Relief Alliance has seven innovation themes and two have been selected for this call:

  1. Safety & Protection

    SAFETY: the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. This covers both staff and beneficiary safety.

    PROTECTION: the effort to protect the fundamental well-being (mentally and physically) of individuals caught up in conflicts or “man-made” emergencies. This covers responses to SGBV.

  2. Renewable Energy

    Globally, one of the greatest challenges facing refugees is the lack of quality, reliable, affordable, and clean energy sources - for both electricity and cooking. In addition to refugees having limited financial means, problems on the supply side include private sector enterprises not being familiar with demonstrated refugees’ willingness and readiness to pay for quality energy products, lack of selling points accessible to refugees and customer service capacities. Barriers to uptake on the user side also include lack of appropriate information and incentives. Additionally, humanitarian programmes heavily rely on fossil fuels (fuel for transport, generators) contributing to rather than mitigating CO2 emissions.

A co-creation process is beginning on 22 September and Expressions of Interest will then be received between 12 and 25 October.

In case of questions, contact dif3-uganda@responseinnovationlab.com or >>> Click to learn more.


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