Thoughtcast No.2 in Jordan: on Duplication of Efforts in the NGOs and Innovation Space

The second event of our Thoughtcast series took place on October 27 in Jordan! During the gathering, the participants discussed the duplication of efforts and explored the challenges within the impact ecosystem.

Some of the main issues include the lack of shared knowledge and experiences, insufficient documentation of best practices, and vague definitions around terms like “startup” and “SME.” There’s a strong need for local NGOs to align on their priorities, rather than solely following donor agendas. For example, there could be a coalition platform coordinating efforts on the ground. Meanwhile. the small market also demands enhanced collaborations and resource-sharing amongst actors.

One example of efforts duplication was that four organizations have attempted ecosystem mapping, even after knowing that one organization had already successfully mapped the system. Examples like this remind us of the need for a more coordinated approach. Additionally, more success stories can be shared within the ecosystem so that the actors are more aligned on the existing efforts.

The Thoughtcast series is an initiative co-organized by Response Innovation Lab and Majlisna - Civic Jordan. We aim to create opportunities for startups and innovators to connect with NGOs and leverage their skills to provide impactful solutions. We’re planning informal, topic-driven networking gatherings where meaningful conversations and collaborations can flourish. This Thoughtcast No.2 was kindly hosted by L'Institut Français de Jordanie.


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