Somalia COVID-19 Rapid Assessment: Priorities & Concerns of Humanitarian Actors

Somalia reported the first confirmed case of COVID-19 on 16 March 2020. Quickly, responding to COVID-19 became the major priority for the government, humanitarian actors, and stakeholders working in the region. Due to the limitations in existing infrastructure, plus the challenges around resourcing the response, and openness has been created for more collaboration and coordination.

The Response Innovation Lab (RIL) mobilized quickly to support those directly involved in the COVID-19 response with identifying and defining challenges, then working to rapidly provide solutions that can be deployed. To further support stakeholders involved in the response, the RIL conducted a rapid mini-assessment (survey) in April 2020, focused on understanding the needs and priorities of humanitarian actors in the COVID-19 response. These results are being shared openly to foster learning, improve coordination, and prioritize resources to areas of need.

>>> Click to view the results.


Iraq RIL and Pharx app are highlighted in The Guardian


Innovation Spotlight for Somalia