RILx23 Unveils Promising Outcomes and Strategic Insights

We are thrilled to share the remarkable outcomes of RILx23, the annual event organized by Response Innovation Lab (RIL), which took place in Nairobi last week. RILx23 served as a vibrant platform that brought together diverse stakeholders from the Response Innovation Lab network, alongside selected global and regional humanitarian innovation actors. The event revolved around the overarching theme of "Innovation Partnerships," fostering a dynamic exchange of information, opinions, and ideas. RILx23 succeeded in facilitating an informal and highly interactive environment where legacy international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), local innovators, donors, corporates and other influential profiles convened. The primary objective was to deepen collaboration between key actors in the space, shape RIL's future strategy, and influence the global agenda for the humanitarian sector. 

Over the course of four enriching days, RILx23 explored various avenues of collaboration to drive humanitarian innovation. The event dedicated its focus to specific exchanges, starting with the exploration of partnerships between for-profit and nonprofit entities. RILx23 also examined how INGOs and other humanitarian actors can drive transformative changes in their partnership approaches. 

Innovators from East Africa showcased breakthrough insights and innovations that surpassed the scale ceiling, shedding light on the essential support needed for innovative ideas to gain traction in the humanitarian space. The event came to a powerful conclusion with a deep and thought-provoking discussion on "RIL 2.0 Strategy and What's Next," where participants openly explored how RIL and the humanitarian sector as a whole should evolve to address challenges and seize opportunities presented throughout the event.

Now, let's explore the key outcomes and takeaways from RILx23:

1- Response Innovation Lab and the Smart Communities Coalition must continue to engage with private sector actors to figure out win/win propositions. NGOs and the private sector demonstrated a genuine desire to collaborate on supporting humanitarian innovation ecosystems. However, it became evident that both sides must strive to understand each other's language, priorities, and focus areas. To foster fruitful partnerships, both sides should actively engage in each other's activities. This symbiotic relationship can create a super system that bridges the gap between these two worlds.

2- RIL’s next strategy must figure out how Response Labs can expand our scaling support beyond specific products or services to help multiple solution providers meet demand. The event fostered discussions centered on critical questions surrounding scaling innovation, impact measurement, NGO commitments, sustainability, and the capacity to scale innovation. Attendees discussed our strong attachment to the innovations we support, acknowledging that this attachment can sometimes hinder us from letting go or diverting our focus to other innovations. Nevertheless, the primary focus remained on developing the humanitarian sector with a long-term sustainability perspective.

3-RIL must collaborate closely with other sector actors to help socialize best practices in humanitarian innovation partnership-building. The event dedicated significant attention to understanding and addressing the barriers faced by innovators. It emphasized the importance of strategic partnerships, trust-building for long-term collaborations, openness, and the support and tools organizations provide to innovators. Particularly, RIL's website offers valuable insights into the tools and support available to further nurture innovation.

The success of RILx23 emphasizes the vast potential that emerges when diverse entities collaborate towards a shared goal of humanitarian innovation. We are inspired by the outcomes and takeaways from this event, which will undoubtedly influence our future strategies. We remain committed to forging meaningful partnerships, fostering sustainability, and empowering innovators to create lasting impact in the humanitarian sector.

Stay tuned for further updates on our website as we continue to build on the momentum generated by RILx23. Together, we can shape a brighter future for humanitarian innovation and drive positive change in communities worldwide.


RILx23 Perspectives: Reflections on Humanitarian Innovation - Navigating New Frontiers, Partnerships, and Impact


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