Somalia ADMIN Somalia ADMIN

SOMALIA: Safe Urban Water

SECTOR: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)


  • Reduced incidence of diarrhea through clean and safe drinking water

  • Ongoing water quality monitoring

  • Community satisfaction

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Somalia ADMIN Somalia ADMIN

SOMALIA: Event Management System

SECTOR: Organizational Capacity

HUMANITARIAN NEED: The challenge from iRise is not a typical RIL challenge as it is not directly a humanitarian need, but more of an organizational challenge caused by the context of Somalia, which leads to prohibitive printing costs and challenges with convening humanitarian (and other) actors.

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Somalia ADMIN Somalia ADMIN

SOMALIA: Water Point Monitoring System

SECTOR: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)


  • Reduced incidence of diarrhea through clean and safe drinking water

  • Maintaining and monitoring the availability of clean, safe drinking water for communities in South West State, Somalia

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