
Menstrual Hygiene Safety

Location: Iraq

Host: Oxfam Iraq

Invested: $2,500 for a testing phase

Needed: $15,000 to scale

Girls in developing countries miss up to 5 days of education monthly while they menstruate, contributing to many drop-outs and gaps in their education. Additionally, due to a lack of adequate resources, many girls use rags, blankets, pieces of mattress, tissue paper or cotton wool, which are unsanitary and can cause illness or disease. These factors combined are amplified in a humanitarian situation where financial resources, privacy, and resources are all stressed. Adequate products are needed to support this care, with an appropriate supply chain, especially in resource stressed environments like a humanitarian emergency.


The Challenge

In Iraq, there is a severe lack of access and quality in the sanitary napkins that are available in the refugee camps. Women and girls use hygienic rags or paper which often results in discomfort, possible infections, and other health issues. The sanitary towels sold in shops are unaffordable - a packet of 10 is sold between 1500 to 3000 IDQ. Without access to sanitary wear, women and girls do not feel comfortable in participating in activities, community events, school, and sports activities. They feel excluded. While the 2019 Iraq Humanitarian Response Plan emphasizes hygiene items should be included in Emergency WASH services to mitigate increased public health risks, there is still a huge gap in the humanitarian response for Internally displaced women and girls in terms of access to menstrual hygiene management items.

The Solution

While 75% of all women experience vaginal yeast or bacterial infections during their lifetime, Safepad™ aims to combat that alongside providing dignity, financial ease, and comfort for women and girls. Safepad™ is a reusable sanitary pad with permanently bonded antimicrobial technology designed to provide a safe and infection-free experience. The pad will sterilize itself during use and after wash, therefore protecting against infections, and can be dried in-door in less than 1 hour, thus ensuring privacy. Additionally, the pad has a fabric technology that ensures high and immediate absorbency, non-leakage and quick drying after wash. The fabric is made of a soft material that causes no irritation and offers reusability, protection, and comfort. It is:

  • is easy to use and requires little or no training.

  • is durable! One Safe pad can be used up to 100 times.

  • is economical! A Packet contains 4 pads of different sizes (1 for night-times and 3 for day-times). Sold at approx. USD 3 FOB production site. Lasting for 3 years. Resulting in significant savings for HH.

  • is environmentally friendly.

The Impact

Highlights of the 6-month Pilot:

  • Coming soon as the pilot concludes

The Next Stage: Scale

  • During the next stage, the pilot will be taken to scale and the number of women and girls to be impacted will increase.

Contact Us

To learn more about this innovation, please email us.




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