Rego Foundation

The SheBoss Scholars training program

SheBoss Scholars is an intensive 12-week training program for qualified primary and secondary school teachers equipping them with hands-on vocational skills. SheBoss aims to develop additional livelihoods and promote economic recovery for teachers who lost their sources of income due to COVID 19. COVID-19 has affected everyone in their capacity in a different way; following the closure of schools by the government, private school teachers who are estimated at 350,000 across the country, lost their main sources of income. The majority of the female teachers resorted to casual labor in homes around their communities and ‘hand-to-mouth’ businesses like street vending. 13 teachers were enrolled and trained in 5 modules; Financial Literacy, Liquid Soapmaking, Leather Design (shoemaking), Weaving, Jewelry making, Communication, and business management. 

Upon completion of the program, each participant was furnished with a start-up kit for their prospective business and equipped to pass on the same skills to youth in their communities. The participants have already registered 7 to 15 customers each. They are registered to RegoNow, a savings and loans platform run by Rego Foundation, and saving 20,000 to 30,000 Uganda Shilling a week. They are currently training 52 young women in their communities altogether.

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Graduation after completing the 12-week training program.

Graduation after completing the 12-week training program.


Community Empowerment for Peace and Development (CEPAD)


U-TOUCH Uganda