Future of Hydroponic

Future of Aquaculture

Future of Hydroponics.jpg

Location: Mosel

Host: Oxfam Iraq

The Problem

Arable land is limited in the urban area and the food demand is high with a shortage of food supply and high prices for the imported vegetables.

The Solution

The project will be based on the hydroponic method (using the water instead of soil) by design and implement farming cycle ( planting on shelves and connected each other with the same irrigation network) on the house’s roof, by monitoring and providing the cycle with necessary organic elements and the small greenhouses, they will cultivate many types of vegetables during the year, in addition to the technical experience that they have in agriculture, the team has the technical capacity to install this cycle, the will plan to expand this experience to the local community which will generate jobs and reduce poverty and they are looking to receive a seed funding along with related technical support.


If you are interested in supporting this idea turn into reality, please contact us.


Fish and Vegetables of Tigris


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