We will transform how communities recover from humanitarian crises through more diverse, collaborative and innovative humanitarian responses.


 About RIL

Response Innovation Lab (RIL) is a collaborative initiative between World Vision International, Save the Children International, Oxfam International, Civic.co and Danish Refugee Council.

We convene stakeholders within the broad humanitarian innovation system to foster ecosystem development. Embracing a collaborative, evidence-based and localized approach, we endeavor to empower the humanitarian innovation system at both local and global level.

By creating an open, inclusive space for problem analysis, information sharing and facilitation, RIL will broker new innovation-focused partnerships to rapidly test and scale context-ready solutions that deliver transformative impact to populations affected by or vulnerable to crisis, emergency and fragility.
— RIL Global Strategy 2024-2028
  • Convene & Map

    We create ecosystem mapping and convene stakeholders to identify innovation challenges and set agenda in the local context.

  • MatchMaker & Broker

    We match innovation challenge holders and solution providers for collaborations; and we seek collaborations to bring more resources for innovation support.

  • Support & Co-create

    We support innovators and implementers in the humanitarian innovation system to enhance their ability to deliver on the ground.

  • Learn & Share

    We value evidence and learning. We constantly generate and share data, knowledge and tools for the wider community.

Where We Work

Our Partners

Core Partners

Strategic Partners

Funding Partners